Tuesday, September 18, 2007

First Pair of Socks Knit, Evah.

Freaking, freaking, freak, freak, freak-out.I have finished my first pair of socks.

Total Time Spent Knitting Pair of First Socks, 18 days.

I am so impressed with myself. Especially since I ripped out the heel turn, heel flap and entire leg of the first sock and reknitted the **&%& thing. Actually, I might have finished sooner if I hadn't lost one of my needles. And tonight we have a poetry reading at my Borders, and I have nothing to knit, but a pair of socks to wave at my non-knitting friends.

When I began, I told myself that if I could knit socks, I could knit anything. Well, I have. And after the first sock, I told myself that I would be a real Knitter if I finished my second sock right away, dodging the second sock syndrome.


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