Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Ravelry Teenage Knitting Group?

There doesn't seem to be a general Teenage Knitters group on Ravelry, and I need at least 3 people to be interest. My query on the subject seems to have been lost among proposals for some interesting groups (Blue Eyed New Zealand Sheep Herders Who Knit Purple and Orange Knee-Highs, Former Knitters Now Living in Mental Institutions and Can't Get Needles) and so here it is: if you are interested, please let me know, and I'll start the group. This should be lots of fun.

Both 'examples' of group proposals are, of course, ridiculous and fake.


Ibunnysavetroy said...

I'm totally in!
I'm really excited that you found me, I love knowing that other teens knit.
I just had a great idea - in my area (CT) there's a knitting group, but their all old, not that that's bad, but I like people my own age.
How about we have a knt night - only in a chatroom? Like on AIM or something like it?
tell me what you think - through ravelry, thou.
(My Boyfriend made my banner! All by himself, i didn't even ask!)

Anonymous said...

You totally read my mind! I was just thinking the other day about starting a teen knitters group, but didn't know if anyone would be interested! Count me in if you start!

Melsbells said...

yeah, that would be awesome! Oh yeah, and about the algebra, it may not be relevant to most professions, but is expands your learning ability and allows you to think about bigger concepts. If we don't take algebra, we can't take chemistry, higher sciences, math, etc. It also shows anyone who looks at your grades your ability to learn and master concepts (college admissions, anyone?) I can't wait for ravelry to be open!